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Who We Are!
The beginning
When a business has a humble beginning, a low budget, with ’headquarters’ located in a garage, we call it ’a garage start-up.’ Many of the biggest multinational corporations started just like that — in someone’s garage by a group of truly dedicated enthusiasts. That’s not our story at Areen Hub. At Areen Hub, we started with a ‘Big Bang’ having a head full of dreams we dived right into it without researching the market and fully understanding how people operate in the business world.
A lion’s roar is what makes the diference
We fell multiple times but with each fall we became stronger and closer to the clients. We started realizing what was missing and what our competitors scarcely understood is not just about the numbers, milestones, and checklists, it is about the idea and concept behind it all. It is about the energy and passion you put into it. It is about the late night hours, unconventional solutions and crazy conversations. It is about asking ‘is this achievable, doable, possible?’ and then answering ‘why not?’. At Areen Hub we realized what was missing is the lack of imagination and trust that “whatever the mind conceive and believe it can achieve”. We now believe and know -backed up with successful ventures- that any idea can be turned into reality. So let us know what you want and watch us build an experience around it.